Echoes (w/Behind the Curtain & w/Eneme)
Director: Sun-Kyung Yi
Synopsis: China has a problem with population growth. As such, they have adopted controversial child birth policies. This documentary looks at the emotional toll those polices have on the mothers (and children) involved.
Genre: Documentary
Runtime: 56 minutes
Behind The Curtain
Director: Jullian Ablaza
Synopsis: Behind the Curtain is a documentary about the modern day circus. It uses motion graphics and match-movie to help enhance the visual narrative as it takes viewers on a journey into the psychology of various aspects of circus.
Country: Canada
Director: Chris Abell
Synopsis: After the recent death of his son, Boyd is deciding between his own life and death. In Eneme, we watch as his inner turmoiland the “demon” drive him toward suicide, until he is “visited” by his son. What will happen? Will the boy’s encouraging words help Boyd fight against the demon and choose life?
Genre: Drama
Run Time: 16 min